Standard Car Program - TOYOTA

Automobile Toyota Yaris

Bold design and dynamic lines of modern times.
Treat yourself to a worry-free riding experience and ride in ESSENS colours.
The program is available for ESSENS Club Members from 17% position with a minimum commission of 600 €.

Program Terms and Conditions:

  • The program is intended for all ESSENS Club Members over 18 years of age
  • To join the program you must meet the qualifying conditions of achieving a minimum of 17% of the position with a minimum commission of 600 € in two consecutive months
  • After meeting the qualification requirements, the member sends the application to The application will be reviewed as soon as possible and further steps will be communicated with the member
  • 36-month contract without any down payment
  • Full breakdown insurance and compulsory liability insurance for the period of use of the vehicle are included as a matter of course
  • A minimum monthly personal turnover of 100 personal points, failure to meet the points turnover will result in a charge of 100 € for that month
  • During the second year of the program, the member must increase their minimum commission by 200 € and in the third year of the program by a further 200 €
  • If the member does not meet the minimum commission, they will pay a car usage fee of 280 €
  • If a member meets the qualifications but does not reach the commission amount, or meets the commission amount but does not reach the qualifications, the member will be charged a higher usage fee
  • As a condition for continuation in the second 3-year program (second contract) a minimum commission of 1200 € applies, in the third 3-year program (third contract) a minimum commission of 1800 € applies
Qualification Minimum commissions Monthly usage fee
◉ 17 % 600 € 150 €
◉ 20 % 800 € 100 €
◉ 25 % 1000 € 50 €
◉ 28 % or manager position 1200 € 1 €
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